Rajma Chawal Recipe: A Traditional Indian Dish


Rajma Chawal Recipe: A Traditional Indian Dish

Introduction to Rajma Chawal

Experience the substance of Indian cooking with the dearest solace food, Rajma Chawal. This conventional dish holds an exceptional spot in Indian families, offering a rich embroidery of flavors and healthy goodness. Whether you're a carefully prepared gourmet expert or an excited novice, planning Rajma Chawal is a great excursion through the energetic culinary legacy of India. How about we dig into the quintessence of this notorious dish and find how to reproduce its enchantment in your own kitchen.

What is Rajma Chawal?

Rajma Chawal, meaning "kidney beans and rice" in English, is a quintessential North Indian dish that has risen above territorial limits to turn into a #1 the nation over and then some. It contains delicate, velvety kidney beans cooked in a tasty sauce, served close by cushy, sweet-smelling basmati rice. This generous mix tempts the taste buds as well as furnishes a reasonable feast loaded with protein, sugars, and fundamental supplements.

The Beginnings of Rajma Chawal:

While the specific beginnings of Rajma Chawal are challenging to follow, it is accepted to have started in the Indian territory of Punjab, known for its rich culinary legacy. Throughout the long term, it has developed into a dearest solace food delighted in families all through India. Rajma Chawal holds an exceptional spot in family get-togethers, celebrations, and ordinary feasts, representing warmth, harmony, and the delight of home-prepared food.

Ingredients Required

Ingredients Required:

For Rajma Curry:

1 cup dried kidney beans (rajma), soaked overnight

2 onions, finely chopped

2 tomatoes, pureed

3-4 cloves of garlic, minced

1-inch piece of ginger, grated

2 green chilies, slit lengthwise (adjust according to spice preference)

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon red chili powder

1 teaspoon coriander powder

1/2 teaspoon garam masala

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons oil or ghee

Fresh cilantro leaves for garnish

For Rice:

2 cups basmati rice, washed and soaked for 30 minutes

Water for cooking (approximately 4 cups)

For Garnishing:

Fresh cilantro leaves, chopped

Thinly sliced onions, lightly fried until golden brown (optional)

Cooking Instructions

Stage 1: Splashing the Rajma:

Wash 1 cup of dried kidney beans (rajma) completely under running water.

Move the washed rajma to a huge bowl and cover with sufficient water to totally lower them.

Permit the rajma to drench for the time being or for no less than 8 hours. This assists in mellowing the beans and diminishing the cooking with timing.

Stage 2: Cooking the Rajma:

Once more channel the doused rajma and flush them.

Move the rajma to a tension cooker and add new water to cover the beans.

Add a spot of salt to the water and close the tension cooker cover.

Cook the rajma on medium intensity for around 15-20 minutes or until they are delicate. The cooking time might fluctuate relying upon the kind and newness of the beans.

Once cooked, switch off the intensity and let the strain discharge normally prior to opening the cooker.

Stage 3: Setting up the Rice:

Wash 2 cups of basmati rice under chilly water until the water runs clear.

Absorb the washed rice water for around 30 minutes. This aides in accomplishing soft and separate grains when cooked.

In the wake of dousing, channel the rice and move it to a rice cooker or a pot.

Add roughly 4 cups of water to the rice and cook it as indicated by your favored technique until the rice is cushy and cooked through.

Stage 4: Making the Rajma Curry:

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil or ghee in a profound container over medium intensity.

Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds to the hot oil and let them splutter.

Add the finely cleaved onions to the dish and sauté until they become brilliant brown.

Mix in the minced garlic, ground ginger, and cut green chilies. Sauté for two or three minutes until the crude smell vanishes.

Add the pureed tomatoes to the skillet and cook until the oil isolates from the masala.

Presently, add the flavors - 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon red bean stew powder, 1 teaspoon coriander powder, and salt to taste. Blend well.

Pour in the cooked rajma alongside its water (change the consistency as per inclination). Mix to consolidate every one of the fixings.

Let the rajma curry stew on low intensity for around 10-15 minutes to permit the flavors to merge together.

At last, sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of garam masala over the curry and give it a delicate mix.

Stage 5: Serving the Rajma Chawal:

Move the cooked rice to a serving platter.

Spoon the hot rajma curry over the rice.

Embellish with newly hacked cilantro leaves.

Alternatively, present with daintily cut onions delicately seared until brilliant brown and lemon wedges as an afterthought for additional character.

Serve the Rajma Chawal hot and partake in the healthy kinds of this customary Indian dish!

Stype -by- Step Recipe :

Step-by-Step Recipe: Rajma Chawal

Stage 1: Drenching the Rajma:

Flush 1 cup of dried kidney beans (rajma) completely under running water.

Move the washed rajma to a huge bowl and cover with sufficient water to totally lower them.

Permit the rajma to splash for the time being or for something like 8 hours. This assists in relaxing the beans and decreasing the cooking with timing.

Stage 2: Cooking the Rajma:

Channel the splashed rajma and wash them indeed.

Move the rajma to a strain cooker and add new water to cover the beans.

Add a spot of salt to the water and close the tension cooker cover.

Cook the rajma on medium intensity for around 15-20 minutes or until they are delicate. The cooking time might differ relying upon the kind and newness of the beans.

Once cooked, switch off the intensity and let the strain discharge normally prior to opening the cooker.

Stage 3: Setting up the Rice:

Flush 2 cups of basmati rice under cool water until the water runs clear.

Absorb the washed rice water for around 30 minutes. This aides in accomplishing soft and separate grains when cooked.

Subsequent to splashing, channel the rice and move it to a rice cooker or a pot.

Add around 4 cups of water to the rice and cook it as per your favored strategy until the rice is fleecy and cooked through.

Stage 4: Making the Rajma Curry:

Heat 2 tablespoons of oil or ghee in a profound dish over medium intensity.

Add 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds to the hot oil and let them splutter.

Add the finely slashed onions to the skillet and sauté until they become brilliant brown.

Mix in the minced garlic, ground ginger, and cut green chilies. Sauté for several minutes until the crude smell vanishes.

Add the pureed tomatoes to the dish and cook until the oil isolates from the masala.

Presently, add the flavors - 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1 teaspoon red bean stew powder, 1 teaspoon coriander powder, and salt to taste. Blend well.

Pour in the cooked rajma alongside its water (change the consistency as per inclination). Mix to consolidate every one of the fixings.

Let the rajma curry stew on low intensity for around 10-15 minutes to permit the flavors to merge together.

At last, sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of garam masala over the curry and give it a delicate mix.

Stage 5: Serving the Rajma Chawal:

Move the cooked rice to a serving platter.

Spoon the hot rajma curry over the rice.

Embellish with newly hacked cilantro leaves.

Alternatively, present with daintily cut onions delicately seared until brilliant brown and lemon wedges as an afterthought for additional character.

Serve the Rajma Chawal hot and partake in the healthy kinds of this conventional Indian dish.

Tips and Variations

Tips for Perfect Rajma Chawal:

Drenching Rajma:

 Guarantee you douse the rajma short-term or for somewhere around 8 hours. This step mellows the beans, decreasing cooking time and guaranteeing they cook equally.

Pressure Cooking: 

Cook the rajma until they are delicate however not soft. Overcooked rajma can lose its surface.

Delightful Base:

 Sautéing onions, garlic, ginger, and green chilies until a brilliant earthy color adds profundity of flavor to the curry.


Change the zest levels as indicated by your inclination. You can increment or reduction how much stew powder and green chilies likewise.

Stewing Time: 

Let the rajma curry stew for quite a while in the wake of adding the cooked beans. This permits the flavors to merge together and upgrades the flavor of the dish.


New cilantro passes on and adds an explosion of newness to the dish. Alternatively, you can likewise embellish with broiled onions for added crunch.

Varieties of Rajma Chawal:

Rajma Masala: 

Add a bit of new cream or yogurt to the curry for a creamier surface.

Zesty Rajma:

 Increment how much red bean stew powder or add a smidgen of paprika for additional intensity.

Vegetable Option: 

Upgrade the healthy benefit by adding vegetables like carrots, peas, or potatoes to the curry.

Coconut Rajma:

 For a South Indian bend, add coconut milk or ground coconut to the curry for a rich and smooth flavor.

Paneer Rajma:

 Add shapes of paneer (Indian curds) to the curry for a protein-rich variety.

Rajma Pulao:

 Blend the cooked rajma and rice along with certain flavors to make a delightful one-pot dinner.

Capacity Tips:


 Store extra rajma curry and rice independently in water/air proof compartments in the fridge. They can be put away for up to 3-4 days.


 Rajma curry can be frozen for longer capacity. Move cooled curry to cooler safe holders or zip-lock bags and freeze for up to 2-3 months.


Warm the refrigerated or frozen rajma curry and rice independently in a microwave or on the burner. Add a sprinkle of water if necessary to relax the curry while warming.

New Embellishments:

 Add new cilantro leaves and lemon squeeze not long prior to effectively resuscitating the flavors.


If freezing, defrost the rajma curry for the time being in the fridge prior to warming to save its surface and taste.

Health Benefits of Rajma Chawal

Wealthy in Protein:

Rajma Chawal is a protein-rich dish because of the presence of kidney beans (rajma) and rice. Protein is fundamental for muscle fix, development, and generally body capability.

Great Wellspring of Fiber:

 Both kidney beans and rice contain dietary fiber, which supports processing, advances stomach wellbeing, and helps in keeping a sound load by keeping you full for longer periods.

Supplement Thick: 

Rajma Chawal is loaded with fundamental supplements like iron, potassium, magnesium, and B-nutrients. These supplements are fundamental for energy creation, nerve capability, and keeping up with sound pulse levels.

Low in Fat:

 When ready without unnecessary oil or ghee, Rajma Chawal can be a low-fat dinner choice, making it reasonable for people watching their fat intake or attempting to keep a sound weight.

Heart Wellbeing:

 The mix of kidney beans and rice gives a decent equilibrium between complex starches and plant-based proteins, which can add to heart wellbeing by diminishing cholesterol levels and advancing by and large cardiovascular prosperity.

Jolt of energy:

 Rajma Chawal fills in as a magnificent wellspring of carbs, which are the body's essential wellspring of energy. Consuming this dish can give a supported arrival of energy, keeping you invigorated over the course of the day.

Glucose Control:

 The fiber content in kidney beans manages glucose levels by dialing back the retention of glucose. This can be valuable for people with diabetes or those in danger of creating it.

Bone Wellbeing: 

Both kidney beans and rice contain minerals like calcium and magnesium, which are fundamental for keeping up areas of strength for wit and forestalling conditions like osteoporosis.

Veggie lover Protein Choice: 

Rajma Chawal gives a significant measure of protein, making it a superb veggie lover or vegetarian protein choice for those following plant-based consumes less calories.


The mix of protein and fiber in Rajma Chawal advances satiety, assisting with controlling appetite desires and forestalling gorging, which can uphold weight the board objectives.


Rajma Chawal remains as something beyond a conventional Indian dish; it's a dietary force to be reckoned with overflowing with flavor and healthy goodness. From its unassuming starting points in North India to its far and wide fame the nation over and then some, this generous feast keeps on enthralling the hearts and palates of food aficionados around the world.

Besides the fact that Rajma Chawal offers a great culinary encounter, yet it likewise brags a noteworthy cluster medical advantages. With its rich protein content, fiber-pressed fixings, and fundamental supplements, it sustains the body while fulfilling the spirit. From supporting muscle development and assimilation to advancing heart wellbeing and glucose control, every spoonful of Rajma Chawal adds to general prosperity.

Whether delighted in during bubbly get-togethers, loved family feasts, or as an encouraging work day supper, Rajma Chawal encapsulates the substance of home-cooked goodness and culinary custom. Its flexibility considers vast varieties and transformations, guaranteeing that it stays an immortal #1 for a long time into the future.

Thus, the following time you pine for a sample of India's culinary legacy, prepare a cluster of Rajma Chawal and enjoy the rich flavors, fragrant flavors, and wholesome advantages it brings to the table. With each nibble, you'll leave on an excursion through the lively embroidery of Indian food, praising the immortal charm of this cherished dish.

Nutritional Values Per Serving (approximately 1 cup of cooked rajma with 1 cup of cooked rice):

Calories: 350-400 kcal

Protein: 12-15 grams

Sugars: 60-70 grams

Dietary Fiber: 8-10 grams

Fat: 5-7 grams

Immersed Fat: 1-2 grams

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Sodium: 500-700 milligrams

Potassium: 400-500 milligrams

Calcium: 50-100 milligrams

Iron: 2-3 milligrams

 Note: These qualities are rough and may differ relying upon the particular fixings and cooking techniques utilized. Furthermore, the healthful substance can be impacted by elements, for example, how much oil or ghee added, the kind of rice utilized, and any extra embellishments or backups.

Rajma Chawal gives a decent blend of sugars, protein, and fundamental supplements, making it a wonderful and sustaining dinner choice. It's moderately low in fat and without cholesterol, making it reasonable for people hoping to keep a solid eating routine. Nonetheless, segment control is fundamental, particularly for those watching their calorie consumption or dealing with specific ailments like diabetes or hypertension.

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